Do you wish to make a complaint?

Please let us know if you are not satisfied with any aspect of our service. Get in touch with us so our team can investigate and strive to resolve any issues encountered.  

We will acknowledge your complaint within seven working days, either in writing or orally if over the phone and keep you updated on the progress within the first ten working days if we haven't already resolved your complaint. 

We will endeavour to resolve your complaint within twenty working days. If we can't, we will provide you with a good reason to extend the investigation by a further twenty working days. 

If we believe your complaint is more appropriately dealt with by another party (such as one of our partners, or your electricity retailer), your complaint may be referred to them on your behalf. We will notify you of any referral and provide you with the relevant name and contact details. 

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of our internal response, you are welcome to use the Utility Disputes Service which you can find here 

NOTE: If you have energy service or pricing complaints, please direct these to your electricity retailer. 

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